Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In your eyes I see beauty,
I see the world in a different light,
You cast a light around you,
It makes everything seem so bright,
I see myself through your eyes,
I see a different me,
I didn't know I could be this way,
You finally made me see,
Your eyes write a thousand words,
Words that can't be said,
But I can hear those with my very heart,
You have painted my world red...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A warm ray of sunshine,
Crept into the corners of my heart,
It lit me up, it warmed me,
It filled me with happiness,
The ray grew into a burning flame,
A flame that lights up the darkest of nights,
The darkness slowly starts to recede,
It seems like dawn is near,
I can see the shining light in the horizon,
I don't have anything else to fear.....

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I was lost, lost in myself,
I tried to find me
Again and again,
The more I tried,
The more I kept on losing,
Losing myself,
I'm surrounded by a crowd,
Of unfamiliar faces,
I looked everywhere for a sign of familiarity,
I couldn't find what I was looking for,
I tried to find traces of you,
In a wave of unknown faces,
Traces of you, your smell, your touch are still hanging
around me,
They envelope me, they arouse me,
They take me places where I want to be,
A place where we can be together once more,
Which exists only in the horizons of my imaginations,
That's where I found me............

Monday, March 17, 2014

I see you standing in the shadows,
You don't want to show yourself,
You turn away,
You push me away,
You run away when,
 I get too close,
I give up,
I leave,
But you won't let me,
Whenever I feel like I've had enough,
Of your hide and seek games,
I swallow my tears,
I bind my heart,
I try to move on,
Move on from you,
But you won't let me ,
The times that we had together
Were few,
I hold them close,
Close to my heart,
But I can't hold on to them forever,
I need to let you go,
But you won't let me,
Why won't you let me go?
I know that all's been said and done,
There's no way to turn back now,
But you still call me,
Call me from the shadows....

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I have been walking,
Walking on and on,
The road ahead seems long and lonely,
But there's a song playing inside
My mind ,
It grows in me, it fills me up
It plays on and on,
Its not exactly a happy song,
But it keeps me going ,
All day long,
I have been walking on and on,
I don't want to stop,
I don't know where I'm going,
I don't even want to know,
I just follow the music,
It will take me where I need go..

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I need to feel,
Feel something real,
Because lately all I've been feeling,
Is a numbness that I can't describe,
It grips my heart,
It chokes me,
It fills me up with darkness,
It ties me to my bed,
It suffocates me,
I want to fight back,
But I don't have the strength,
To overcome it,
I wanna get up,
But it pushes me down,
It gets harder and harder to resist,
 So finally I give in,
Give in to the numbness,
That's within me,
Its the only thing I feel....
I know what you're thinking,
Because I'm thinking it too,
I know what you're wanting,
Because I'm wanting it too,
Our thoughts go hand in hand,
What you feel is what I want,
I want what you're feeling,
Our thoughts and feelings are,
Strung together in one long,
Chain of mixed emotions,
They eat up my mind and my body and my soul,
You set me free  a long time ago,
But I can't seem to free myself,
From the prison that I have built
Inside my head,
Come and set me free,
Free me from myself,
I need to breath,
Breath in the life that surrounds me...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I said that dirty word,
Again and again and again,
You tried to stop me,
But I wouldn't listen,
Its a dirty word,
Those four letters,
 That's what you told me,
Never say that word again,
It shouldn't ever be said,
Its something that's forbidden,
I don't want to hear it again,
But still I kept on saying it
I just could not stop,
For I felt I could make you believe,
In that four letter word,
The world may call it a dirty word,
And say it's all a lie,
But I will keep on saying my dirty word,
Because I'm not ready to say goodbye,
My dirty word starts with an L,
The L stands for life,
For what's life without that dirty word,
It makes you feel alive!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The lines are getting blurry,
I don't know good from bad,
Black and white are merging,
Everything seems grey,
I can't seem to find my vision,
Grey is what I have,
Grey is the  color of smoke,
That's turning into mist,
The mist that's inside my eyes,
Which pours down when I think of you,
Grey is the color of cold winter mornings,
Of clouds that darken the sky,
Of rainy evenings, of foggy dawns,
And grey is the state of my mind,
When I'm trying to say goodbye,
That's all we have,