Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I said that dirty word,
Again and again and again,
You tried to stop me,
But I wouldn't listen,
Its a dirty word,
Those four letters,
 That's what you told me,
Never say that word again,
It shouldn't ever be said,
Its something that's forbidden,
I don't want to hear it again,
But still I kept on saying it
I just could not stop,
For I felt I could make you believe,
In that four letter word,
The world may call it a dirty word,
And say it's all a lie,
But I will keep on saying my dirty word,
Because I'm not ready to say goodbye,
My dirty word starts with an L,
The L stands for life,
For what's life without that dirty word,
It makes you feel alive!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The lines are getting blurry,
I don't know good from bad,
Black and white are merging,
Everything seems grey,
I can't seem to find my vision,
Grey is what I have,
Grey is the  color of smoke,
That's turning into mist,
The mist that's inside my eyes,
Which pours down when I think of you,
Grey is the color of cold winter mornings,
Of clouds that darken the sky,
Of rainy evenings, of foggy dawns,
And grey is the state of my mind,
When I'm trying to say goodbye,
That's all we have,